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Schema ​

The Schema is defined in TypeScript using the decorators. The decorator will attach a static meta-property to the class using reflections.

Internal Schema Architecture ​

Internally the schema is represented by RawSchema, Schema, AbstractSchema, and their schema-specific implementations.

📦 @ts-messaging/common ​

RawSchema ​

The RawSchema is the most basic representation of a schema. It is a simple object with a __type and schema property and is used internally by the framework for data exchange between packages.

export interface RawSchema{
  __type: string; // "AVRO"
  schema: any;  // {type: "record", name: "User", fields: [...]}

SchemaObject ​

The SchemaObject is a TypeScript interface that describes the decoded message type.

export interface SchemaObject {
  [key: string]: any;

Schema ​

The schema is the common interface between all packages and the minimum type available to the developer.

Each Schema has a unique ID the __id, a type __type and the raw schema rawSchema. The Schema is used to encode and decode messages and validate the message data.

export interface Schema<T extends SchemaObject = SchemaObject> {
  readonly __type: string;
  readonly __id: string;
  readonly rawSchema: RawSchema;

  decode(buffer: Buffer): T | null;
  encode(data: T): Buffer;
  validate(data: T): { success: boolean };

SchemaFactory ​

The SchemaFactory is used by the Registry to create a Schema from a RawSchema. The SchemaFactory is schema-specific and is implemented by each schema package.

export interface SchemaFactory<SchemaType extends string = string> {
  readonly __type: SchemaType;

  produce<T extends SchemaObject = SchemaObject>(
    config: {
      __id: number;
      rawSchema: RawSchema<SchemaType>;
  ): Schema<T>;

SchemaEntrypoint ​

The SchemaEntrypoint provides the a Constructor<SchemaFactory> to the Registry this constructor is invokes by the Registry to create a reusable SchemaFactory for the schema type.

export interface SchemaEntrypoint extends Entrypoint {
    readonly schemaFactory: SchemaFactory;

📦 @ts-messaging/schema ​

AbstractSchema ​

The AbstractSchema is the base class for all schema implementations. It implements the Schema interface and provides a default implementation for the findVersion method using a Registry.

import { Schema, SchemaObject, Registry } from "@ts-messaging/common";

export abstract class AbstractSchema<T extends SchemaObject = SchemaObject> implements Schema<T> {
    abstract readonly __id: number;
    abstract readonly __type: string;
    abstract readonly rawSchema: RawSchema;

    abstract decode(buffer: Buffer): T;
    abstract encode(data: T): Buffer;
    abstract validate(data: T): { success: boolean };

📦 Example: @ts-messaging/schema-avro ​

The @ts-messaging/schema-avro package provides the AvroSchema implementation of the Schema interface.

The decoration of a AvroObject is left to the developer, since packages outside the scope of this package are only looking for the __schema meta-property, which holds a AvroRawSchema.

However, a good practice is to define a class decorator like @Avro.Record() to attach the __schema meta-property to the class using reflections. The fields for this record can best be specified using property decorators like @Avro.String(), @Avro.Int(), ....

Example: @Avro.Record()
export function RecordDecoratorFactory(config: {
  name?: Name;
  namespace?: NameSpace;
  doc?: string;
  aliases?: string[];
  fields: FieldConfig[];
  return function RecordDecorator<T extends AvroObject>(target: Constructor<T>) {
    // ... implementation
    Reflect.defineMetadata("__schema", rawSchema, target);
Example: @Avro.String()
export function StringDecoratorFactory(config: {
  doc?: string;
  order?: 'ascending' | 'descending' | 'ignore';
  default?: string;
}) {
  return function StringDecorator<Target extends object>(
    target: Target,
    key: TargetMatchPropertyType<Target, string>
  ) {
      // ... implementation

//The type can be used to match the type of the property
type TargetMatchPropertyType<T, V> = {
  [K in keyof T]-?: V extends T[K] ? K : never;
}[keyof T];

AvroSchema, AvroRawSchema, and AvroObject ​

import { Schema, RawSchema, Registry, SchemaObject } from '@ts-messaging/common';
import { AbstractSchema } from '@ts-messaging/schema';

export type AvroRawSchema = RawSchema<"AVRO", RecordConfig>;

export interface AvroObject extends SchemaObject {}

export class AvroSchema<T extends AvroObject = AvroObject> extends AbstractSchema<T> {
  // ... interface Schema
  readonly __type = "AVRO";
  readonly rawSchema: AvroRawSchema;
  constructor(registry: Registry, rawSchema: AvroRawSchema) {
    this.rawSchema = rawSchema;
    // ... implementation
  decode(buffer: Buffer): T | null {
    // ... implementation
  encode(data: T): Buffer {
    // ... implementation
  validate(data: T): { success: boolean } {
    // ... implementation

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